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Woman holding her shoulder in pain

What Do I Do If I Have Shoulder Pain?

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Shoulder pain is definitely common in Toronto but it is definitely not normal to have shoulder pain. How do you tell that your shoulder pain is not caused by something serious like a fracture? Answer the following questions to make sure that there is no acute injury to your shoulder.

  1. Did you have any trauma to your shoulder recently?
  2. Can you move your shoulder, is there a lot of pain when you move your shoulder?
  3. Poke at the location on your shoulder that hurts and do you have an increase in pain when do you so?
  4. Can you hear any loud “pop” sound when you move your shoulder?
  5. Has the area of pain been red, hot, or swollen?

If you answered no to the above questions, your shoulder pain might be something more chronic. Shoulder pain is defined as chronic when it has been present for longer than six months. Common conditions that can result in chronic shoulder pain include rotator cuff disorders, adhesive capsulitis, shoulder instability, and shoulder arthritis.

You can injure your shoulder by performing manual labor, playing sports, or even by repetitive movement. Poor functions of the neck can also cause referral pain to the shoulder area.

Causes of shoulder pain is often diagnosed with physical exams and imaging. Please go see a health care professional before coming to any conclusions.
